10 February 2007

Six Pic Saturday

Today I'm training in Coos Bay, Oregon.

hotel rain

8:17 am: I step out of the hotel room into a grey day of rain.

empty training room

8: 33 am: The training room at the Boys & Girls Club is quiet and empty in the early, dawn light.

Tools of the trade

11:16 am: Tools of the trade -- my calendar, the Teen Leader's Guide, water, and lozenges for a scratchy throat.


1:45 pm: Students' attention is waning as we near our sixth hour of training.


3:18 pm: A moment of sunlight highlights a mural on a downtown building.

end of day

7:39 pm: Back at the hotel to sleep, wake, and repeat.


Anonymous said...

Great Blog!! I really enjoy the pictures that you take!! I bumped on to your blog looking for Kayaking Oregon sometime ago and your old blog site came up. I photograph all thru Oregon (great place to live) myself...I enjoy your style.


Anonymous said...

Love the Greek Pastrie picture!! We are there every October!
