05 March 2008

Bem-vindos a Amazonia


I haven't written much about Brazil. My first trip to South America. The enjoyment of sharing a trip with my parents to a place my mother once lived, but had not returned to in nearly 50 years. The hours spent in transit across a country as vast as the continental United States.

If there was a common thread woven throughout our travels, it seemed to be water:
  • The rush of a boat ride into La Garganta del Diablo (the Devil's Throat) at Iguacu Falls
  • The trepidation of a boat spinning in a springtime storm on the Black River in the Amazon
  • The beautiful port city of Porto Alegre
  • The breathtaking views of the bays surrounding Rio de Janeiro from Sugar Loaf Mountain and Corcovado
  • Squiggling toes in sand and surf on Copacabana Beach

And so I hope to write a bit more.


How did we get to Ariau Towers? By boat of course. And long, long wooden plank-ways leading to four-story treehouses.


This was, without a doubt, the most difficult and tiresome leg of our journey. But those are stories for another day.

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